You are Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals.

You bring healing in Your wings,

You bring healing in Your Words,

You bring healing to Your World,

...for You are the Great Physician

You wait for those who realize they are sick and need a doctor.

How ridiculous it would be for a sick person to wait for health before seeing a doctor! You invite us to come just as we are, sick and broken.

You even make house calls!

You heal broken hearts

You heal broken bodies

You heal broken promises

You heal our faithlessness

...our backsliding and our rebellion,

...our stubbornness and our pride,

...our selfish and self-centered addictions.

Even when we forsake You, You heal.

When we are struck down, You heal.

When we a caught in an iron trap, You heal.

When we are bloodied in war, You heal.

When we caused the war and brought it on ourselves, You heal.

When we are wounded by friendly fire, You heal.

When our wounds have festered because we have ignored them, pretending we were well, You heal.

When we deserve the wounds.

Our whole head is sick and You heal.

Our whole heart is faint and You heal.

From the sole of the foot even to the head, You heal our bruises and sores and raw wounds all.

You lead us to calm waters.

You restore our souls.

You heal the wounds that cut deep.

You heal the wounds that scar.

You even heal the scars.

You heal the hidden wounds. 

...the wounds we would never want to reveal.

...the wounds we don’t even know about.

Just as You completely forgive us, you heal us completely.

When You came, Lord, You came to heal.

You touched the lepers, they were healed.

If we can just touch Your robe, Lord, we will be healed!  Your robe is here.  

Your whole body is available as well.

You heal on the Sabbath!

Even when just one is thankful, You heal ten.

The deaf hear You first when you heal their ears.

The dying leper said, “Lord, if You are willing” and You are willing.

You rewarded the ingenuity of roof-breaking friends, and healed someone who could not get to You by himself.

You marveled at a soldier’s faith, and healed from a distance.

You rebuke fever, and it is gone.

Even thirty-eight years of paralysis is no match for Your command to “stand up, pick up your mat, and walk!”

When demonic powers keeps a child from speaking and tries to throw him into the fire to burn or into the water to drown, You heal the unbelief of the father by healing his son.

Lord, we believe You heal, heal our unbelief.

Sometimes, and this is amazing, You choose to heal through us!

...through our smaller-than-a-mustard-seed-faith.

You heal through our stumbling prayers.

You heal through our tentative touch.

You heal through our willingness to step out in faith and anoint someone with oil.

I have seen Your healing power.

I have seen You heal a brain tumor through uncertain Elders laying hands on an unsure woman.

I have seen You strengthen the faith of a brand new church when they decided to follow Your Word and lay hands on a woman with breast cancer and pray for healing.  She was healed.

I have seen You listen to my wife and I desperately crying out to You for the life and health of my son.

I asked You to visit him in his pain.  You did.

I asked You to touch Him.  You did!

Though the doctors said he wouldn’t make it, He did.

Though the doctors said he would likely be in a wheel chair the rest of His life, He walks.

He runs!

They said He may be unable to speak again.  We can’t get him to shut-up!  :-)

He still has challenges, Lord, and we still believe in Your healing touch.  

I have seen You heal broken trust.

I have seen You heal the lonely heart.

I have seen You heal marriages.

I have seen You heal families.

I have seen You heal churches.

I have seen You heal me.

Through Your Spirit, You give the gift of healing.

You love to give the gift of healing.

All healing comes from You and it is always You who heals.

It was not Isaiah’s figs who healed Hezekiah’s boils, but the fruit of Your healing power.

It was not the clay placed on the blind man’s eyes, but the One who made the clay.

There is a disease for everyone in this fallen world and, for everyone, you have healing.

“None of these diseases” are too powerful for You.

Because of who You are, we do not dread the disease that stalks in the darkness.

You heal our fear.

You follow up Your healing with an abundant life.

Your healing brings Life.

You heal through the decision to say “yes” when You say, “follow me”.

You are the living, healing waters.

You heal poison waters.  Elisha cast salt into the waters of Jericho, but You healed those waters.

The sticks Moses cast in the waters of Marah were not magical, You made those bitter waters sweet.

The Jordan was dirty, but Naaman found healing in them because You were his health.

The waters of baptism are always healing waters.

...for we are baptized into Your death.

...we are raised into Your resurrected life.

Oh, Jehovah Rapha, our healing came at such a price.

The Healer was pierced to pierce through the prison walls that held us captive in sin.

The Healer was crushed to crush our chains of iniquity and deliver us from them.

The Healer was torn apart so that we could be put back together.

The Healer was wounded so our wounds would be healed.

The communion, with your broken bread and your poured out wine, is always a healing communion.

That communion is poured out for all, Lord, for You heal the nations!

Our fragile bodies still walk in this fallen broken world, and our flesh is bloodied and weak - it will eventually fail us, but this is not the end for those of us who proclaim that You, Jehovah Rapha, heal ALL our diseases. 

When Your Kingdom comes in fullness and Your will is completed on earth as it is in heaven, we will never be sick again.

...and when You heal us, we are truly, wonderfully, healed.



"10,000 Reasons" is inspired by the song of the same name written by Jonas Myrin and Matt Redman.  The lyrics "...for all Your goodness I will keep on singing ten thousand reasons for my heart to find."   I like to mean it when I sing it, so I was convicted to list off AT LEAST 10,000 reasons to sing in praise to my Lord Jesus Christ.  God bless you as you join me in this praise.  — Ken Shackelford